Radio Mundo Real

21 de septiembre de 2017 | | | | |

Climate Justice for Latin America, the Caribbean and peoples of the world

Declaration by Friends of the Earth Latin America and the Caribbean - ATALC -

Friends of the Earth Latin America and the Caribbean - ATALC - is deeply saddened by the ongoing disasters experienced by people affected by the climate crisis. Hurricane Irma and the destruction it wreaked in several countries in the region, as well as other so called natural events are the result of the production and consumption systems of the prevailing neoliberal capitalist system. These events are yet another warning of the serious dangers involved in the power relationships of domination this system has imposed on both nature and people.

Two earthquakes also hit Mexico, which resulted in nothing less than death, pain, destruction and the displacement of more people.
As always the most affected are the vulnerable in society, the economically impoverished.

We face the same injustices in our region that affect the world; the countries of the South suffer the impacts of the devastating model imposed by the rich and industrialized North.
We denounce the increasing climate injustice entrenched in various international fora and agreements that fail to acknowledge and take into account the widely differentiated responsibilities for the current crises of countries in the Global South and those in the North. Thus the transnational corporate-led model is allowed to continue unchecked with its destructive practices.

We reject global policies that pursue the privatization, commodification and financialization of nature, through false solutions to climate change that are aimed at securing the Global North’s consumption model and perpetuate the profits of large transnational corporations.

We express our solidarity with the Mexican, Haitian and Cuban people and all communities who have been historically stripped of their territories and common resources by the impositions of the system and who are currently facing the severity of a climate crisis that they did not cause. These people are also enduring the changes imposed by extractivism, agroindustry and the green economy model, which together with the financialization of nature and instruments like REDD and the Payment for Environmental Services are aggravating the crisis and destroying the community-based and democratic management of the commons.
We believe that the people’s solutions are the only chance we have today to reverse the disasters imposed by the capitalist production and consumption system.

Food sovereignty, agroecology, community forest management, public-community based water management, and energy sovereignty are all popular constructions and paths that embody our capacity for taking care of and preserving life.

As an organization that strives for environmental, social and gender justice, we stand with all those affected in recent weeks and we make ourselves available for anything they may need within our reach, as always with coordinated and effective international solidarity.

Friends of the Earth Latin America and the Caribbean (ATALC)

2017 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra